District No. 15 of Allegheny County, PA in The Great War, Published by The Historical Society of District 15 in 1923. Each listing includes a brief overview of his war service and a photograph.
A-F Surnames | G-M Surnames | N-Z Surnames |
Abramco, Frank Acre, Francis M. Acre, Gerald I. Adams, Joseph C. Adams, Kenneth R. Adams, Ralph H. Adams, Walter B. Adamson, James E. Adrian, John J. Allen, John W. Allshouse, Frank W. Almes, Arlington V. Altamos, George Alter, Dale M. Alter, William P. Althauser, Norman F. Altman, Frank Altman, Ralph Amato, Anello Ambrose, John Ritner Anagostio, John Anderson, Harry W. Anderson, James W. Anthony, Cecil B. Archibald, Charles Archibald, Harry Armazki, Stanislaw Armstrong, Floyd A. Armstrong, Frank F. Armstrong, Nelson Arner, George A. Arner, Paul L. Arnold, Edward F. Arnold, Jules Arnold, Roy F. Ashbaugh, Riley C. Ashbaugh, Robert N. Askenbovski, Frank Astenovach, Jack Atkinson, Glenn M. Auerswald, Carl Marx Auerswald, Howard W. Augustine, Frank Avello, Fred Baczynski, Charles H. Baczynski, Frank Baczynski, Michael Baird, Lee J. Baish, Jay J. Baiza, Stephen Baker, Homer J., Jr. Baldus, Christian Baldus, Joseph T. Baldwin, William J. Baltista, Giovanni Prosti Bandi, Elmer J. Banyei, Mike Barclay, Francis Barczykowski, George W. Barger, William Barker, Fred A. Barndollar, Earl J. Barndollar, Edward Barndollar, Harry H. Barnes, Kenneth K. Barnhart, Walter D. Barr, Gail Elton Barrett, Robert L. Bartczak, Joseph Bartello, Michael Avventino Bartholic, William H. Bartley, Ralph M. Bartosivic, Waudec Bash, Edward D. Bash, George A. J. Bastin, Alfred J. Bauer, Carl H. Bayne, Edward D. Bayne, Edward J. Beale, Raymond Madison Beattie, Charles D. Beattie, Thomas Purcell Bechman, Walter B. Beck, John T. Bedner Joseph V., Jr. Bell, John W. Bellovic, Giodonni Benes, Charles V. Berardi, Rocco Nicola Berecine, John A. Berent, Joseph Berent, Walter F. Berent, Zigmont Beresik, John J. Berkes, Thomas A. Bermont, Charles E. Bernardini, Domenico Bernardo, Frank Biehl, Charles C. Biehl, Theodore Bish, Clarence C. Bish, Seth J. Bish, William A. Black, Milton M. Black, William A. Blackson, Earl L. Blakley, Thomas Rea Block, John Block, Michael Blythe, John M. Bocko, Frank Bogacki, John Bolewicz, Louis L. Bolewicz, Martin Bolin, Albert W. Bollinger, William E. Boney, Joseph K. Bonner, Brice F. Books, George Delanson Boreland, Eldawain E. Boreland, John W. Borland, James W. Borushko, Joseph Bouch, Chauncey L. Bouch, George M. Bouch, Robert B. Bovard, Paul G. Bowman, Charles Bowman, George T. Bowser, Edward W. Bowser, Epsy C. Bowser, Paul L. Bowser, Robert L. Bowser, Walter Boyd, Robert H. Bracken, Frank R. Bracken, Jesse B. Bradley, James E. Brashear, James E. Braun, Emmons H. Brideson, Arthur G. Briggs, Alexander Brim, Stephen C. Brim. Louis J. Brinley, John H. Britton, Charles M. Brock, William J. Brooks, Frank G. Brooks, Michael Brough, John J. Brown, Edward Brown, Eugene Mahaffey Brown, Guilford Clement Brown, Joseph Brown, Lawrence Brown, William Bruce, John H. Brumbaugh, Chester C. Brunner, John H. Bryan, Charles F. Bryan, Charles H. Bryson, Miller R. Buchanan, Frank Bucholski, John Burchfield, Edwin R. Burchfield, John F. Burger, John E. Burress, Henry Burtch, Charles R. Butkosky, George Butland, Hugh Paul Buzzard, Brady E. Bwardina, Toney D. Byers, John J. Calderelli, Guilio Caldwell, Ira H. Caldwell, John D. Caldwell, Walter J. Caldwell, William H. Callaghen, Thomas Callender, James C. Cameron, Robert Camp, James G. Carion, Arthur G. Carlaccini, Alfred Carnahan, George Carnahan, Harry F. Carnahan, John L. Carpenter, Benjamin H. Carson, Robert M. Carter, Albert Catonia, Corso F. Ceccarelli, Lorenzo Cervenec, Steve Cervetti, Vittoio Chambers, Samuel G. Chantler, Ralph M. Chapman, Alva L. Chapman, Dwight L. Chapman, Leroy Charles, Clyde H. Charles, Harold J. Charles, Walter C. Chauvaux, Arthur Chazman, Joseph Chelpineoff, Bill Chestnut, John H. Chestnut, William T. Chidalek, John Chmiel, John Christy, Charles Negley Christy, Frank Ciarrocchi, Toleto Cieslinski, Vincent Cislinski, Lawrence Claassen, Clarence A. Clark, Elmer S. Clark, Frank E. Clark, Norman Clark, Robert C. Clark, William H. Clement, David Clendennen, John A. Clendennen, Wilbert H. Clevenger, Sylves Merette Clever, Lawrence C. Cline, Clare Elwood Clinton, Floyd E. Clough, Leonard Clowes, Leroy J. Clowes, Philip J. Cochran, Hugh A. Cochrane, John Coleman, Frank M. Colin, Edgar J. Collins, John J. Collins, Karl D. Collins, Thomas A. Comallo, Sam Coniglio, Giseppe Connezny, Charles J. Conroy, Edward J. Conroy, James R. Conroy, Thomas F. Constantino, Louis A. Conwell, Francis Laury Conwell, George D. Cook,George D. Cooper, George S. Cooper, Walter R. Copeland, Lloyd D. Copsheck, Joseph J. Cordier, Herman Cordier, Herman Cortelazzi, Joseph Coulter, Samuel A. Cox, Samuel F. Craig, Hugh W. Crawford, Alvin B. Crawford, Clarence W. Crawford, Donald A. Crea, James H. Criseo, Saverio Cross, Clarence K. Crumrine, George B. Cupps, Charles Lee Cupps, George L. Cupps, John F. Czajkowski, Adam Czaplicki, Stefan Dailey, Karl Damas, Salvator Dambroski, Wladyslaw Daniuluk, Andy Daugherty, Charles E. Daum, Ernest C. Davidson, Clarence J. F. Davidson, John C. Davidson, Kenneth J. Davidson, Mary E. Davis, Clarence Roy Davis, Edgar Newton Davis, John Charles Dean, Charles F. DeAngelo, Samuel DeBay, Matthew H. Deeney, Michael J. Deetrick, Jacob Deltedonne, Angelo Dembeck, Nikodem Demharter, Albert Demharter, Joseph Demkowski, Joseph Denis, Joseph DeQuinze, Robert Desser, Jess Detrie, Jeremiah Detrie, Levi Deverenne, Arthur L. Dewalt, James H. Dick, John E. Dick, Wilbur T. Dickey, Charles C. Dickey, George E. Dietrich, Clarence Digiolamo, Sisto Digiralamo, Peter Dinon, James K. Dobrzynski, Leonard Dobzinski, Joseph Dohman, Frank H. Domanik, Mike Dombrowski, Andrzej Dombrowski, Stanislaw Donnell, Mark B. Dorrian, George C. Dotzler, August Dougherty, Joseph Dougherty, William E. Doutt, Richard C. Drury, Herman A. Drury, Ralph O. Drury, Raymond L. Dudaik, Peter Dudek, Gus Duerr, Lyman C. Duerr, Walter Arvid Duffer, George J. Duffer, Joseph M. Duke, Joseph E. Duncan, John Crunckelton Duncan, Ralph Dunn, William J. Duriga, Stephen Durish, Mike Duster, Raymond S. Dyer, Charles H. Dyer, George N. Dyer, John F. Dyer, Ralph E. Eberle, Charles D. Eckhardt, Leonard J. Eggnatik, Anton Egnatiuk, Silvester Einsporn, Albert Ekas, Walter B. Elide, Ficcadori Elliott, Barton W. Elliott, Clarence J. Elliott, George F. Elliott, James O. Elliott, Loyal J. Elliott, Melvin M. Elliott, Raymond G. Elliott, Rhea F. Elliott, Robert B. Elliott, Russell Elliott, Russell Elmer Elliott, Thomas M. Elliott, Wilbur A. Elmholt, Erling Embrozek, Stanislaw Endrejevski, Henry Enterline, John B. Epley, Roy H. Erb, Edward J. Erricco, Antonio Esler, James W. Esler, Julia Esler, Russell J. Esser, Frank J. Esser, Henry Esser, Joseph F. Eurich, Leonard B. Evanovich, Nick Ewangielista, Ignacy Ewashk, Joe Ewing, Edward J. Eyler, Clarence B. Eyler, John H. Eyler, Thomas A. Fahrbuechel, Mathias J. Fair, Samuel Farrell, Richard Farrell, Thomas F. Fay, Michael Fazio, Joe Federigo, Angelo Proia Federkeil, Andrew Roy Fehl, George, Jr. Feller, Edard R. Fentzel, Lawrence W. Fentzel, Matthew, Jr. Ferree, Clarence E. Fialkowski, Boleslaw Fields, Erby Filis, Frank Fink, Ralph H. Finley, Lewis Finnegan, Arthur T. Fiore, Tony Fish, Paul P. Fisher, Francis X. Fisher, George C. Fisher, Raymond E. Fisher, William C. Fitzgerald, Joseph B. Fleck, Earnest E. Flenner, Samuel E. Flover, Joseph Flovysiak, Pioti Ford, Charles T. Foringer, Ralph Fort, Frank Fountaine, Eugene A. Fowler, Edward Fowler, Thomas Franceska, Joseph Francke, Otto G. A. Frank, John Freehling, Harvey H. Frere, Ralph Frey, Arthur R. Friedman, Morris L. Friedman, Reuben Friedrich, William J. Friel, Daniel V. Friel, Thomas S. Frolo, Michael | Gallagher, Leo Patrick Gallagher, Walter J. Gamble, Clarence Gamble, William T. Ganss, Phillip M. Ganter, Harry C. Gardina, Bart Garlick, Doyle Garlick, Floyd L. Garvin, John Vanausle Garviski, Marul Gaspermont, John F. Gass, George A. Gaupin, Joseph Gaworski, Marcelli Geahry, John George, Archibald R. George, Francis H. George, Tony George, William E. Gestner, John E. Gestner, Norbert J. Getze, G. W. Gibbs, Stanley Gibson, George M. Gibson, Joseph B. Gibson, Stanley R. Gibson, William A. Gides, George J. Gilboux, Frank Gille, Joseph Gillespie, Stanley R. Gillespie, Wilbur C. Gilsi, Frank Giomette, August Girt, John H. Glaser, Fred W. Glenn, Burdette Glenn, John A. Glink, Alfred G. Glink, John A. Glodkowski, Henry Glodoski, Joseph Glogowski, Charles Gnatkowski, Walerjan Gohn, Clyde Goldinger, Andrew M. Goldinger, Raymond Goldinger, William M. Goldstein, Joseph Golier, Frank Golub, Kalenik Gonlock, John A. Goodwin, Wiliam R. Gorby, Edwin Goresky, Ralph E. Gorgas, Charles E. Gornall, Henry Gornall, Thomas Gorney, Andrew Gorney, Antoni Gorney, Frank C. Gorybowski, Jan Gould, Harvey Roy Grabinsky, Joseph Graboski, Michael Grabowski, Leon Gradosky, John Graf, Joseph G. Grafton, John W. Grant, John R. Gravatt, Jesse Harwell Green, Joseph W. Greenwood, William J. Gregor, John Gregory, William E. Gretz, Paul Grieco, John Grim, Frank Grimm, George W. Grinder, Clarence Grine, Harry E. Griner, Arthur R. Grottenthaler, Leo A. Grummer, Joseph H. Grunden, Clarence Audley Grunden, Orris A. Grunden, Ray Grunwalski, Stanislaw Grzebowski, Leon Guercio, Michael S. Gumbert, Victor S. Gummert, James S. Gunia, Edward Gunia, Herman Gunia, Paul F. Gunnell, Jefferson Davis Gunning, Michael J. Guyaux, Nestor Haas, John Hackett, Harry H. Halin, Jules J. Hall, Frank W. Hall, Wilson Haller, Christ Albert Haller, Henry W. Halles, Charles Hanna, Calvin B. Hanna, Frank E. Hanna, Ralph Waitneight Harbison, Jay G. Harenski, Harry Harper, Clarence R. Harris, Melvin C. Harrison, George Clair Haslett, Mack Hawk, George M. Haynes, Jesse E. Hazlett, Arthur F. Hazlett, Clifford R. Hazlett, George Hazlett, Ralph I. Heasley, Waldo Clever Heck, Clemens Philemon Heck, William J. Heffelfinger, Roy E. Heid, Charles L. Heid, Clarence D. Heid, Leon W. Heid, Louis H. Heid, Walter F. Heidenreich, John W. Heirtz, Carl Helios, Nick Hemphill, Ira A. Hemphill, John W. Hemphill, Walter H. Henderson, Bert Hendrickson, Theodore M. Henry, Johnson Herman, Morris Hess, Herbert Chancy Hess, Justus F. Heuser, Joseph Hickey, Daniel B. Hickey, Francis W. Higgens, Richard Hill, Charles L. Hill, George H. Hill, John J. Hill, John M. Hilton, Owen K. Hilty, Emmet S. Hixon, George S. Hlovnik, Adam Hmara, Nicholas Hoak, Albert L. Hoak, John A. Hoak, William C. Hoch, George N. Hoch, Paul C. Hoey, Paul J. Horan, John T. Horan, Louis H. Horbachuk, Roman Horning, Joseph J. Hosick, Harvey J. Housman, Charles F. Howe, Frederick Howie, Albert Hrivnak, Joseph Hue, Adolph J. Huet, Hess Huey, Edward W. Huey, Walter D. Huff, Raymond L. Hughes, David Hughes, Raymond Hughes, Roy L. Hulings, John W. Humes, Felix N. Humphreys, Charles L. Humphreys, Chester S. Humphreys, Homer Humphreys, John W. Humphreys, Russell E. Hunchar, Mike Hunter, Frank M. Hussar, Joseph Huston, John W. Inman, Walter R. Irwin, David J. Itschek, Charles A. Ivanovich, Bosko U. Jablonski, Chester Jack, James H. Jackson, Tena Jackson, Walter Jacobs, Christian Jacques, Albert N. Jakacki, Edward Jakacki, Jozef Janette, Tony Jasinski, Jan John, Alfred L. John, David E. Johnson, Axel Johnson, Joseph E. Johnston, Howard J. Johnston, James C. Johnston, Robert C. Johnston, Samuel S. Johnston, William Jones, Austin R. Jones, Daniel C. Jones, George W. Juriewicz, Stanislaw Kalmeyer, Thomas W. Kaluik, Andrew Kampas, Wilbur C. Kaney, Daniel Hulder Kaney, Ralph J. Kaperzyzski, Joseph Kapteina, Edward F. Kapteina, John G. Karagianis, Zakarias Karpinski, Joseph Kaspregsky, Walter Kassai, Stephen Kaszabowski, Marcelli Kauzor, Anthony Kazinski, John Kealy, Michael F. Keefe, Charles F. Keener, Ward M. Keller, Gustave C. Keller, Samuel C. Kellerman, William J. Kelly, Edmund Kendall, Leo Kendall, Peter Kendall, Theodore Kennedy, David P. Kennedy, Francis R. Kennedy, James A. Kennedy, Robert D. Kennedy, Thomas R., Jr. Kennedy, Willard E. Kepple, Frank J. Kepple, Speedy W. Kerr, Harry Kerr, Joseph P. Kesner, James E. Kirchthaler, George E. Kirsch, Theodore E. Kish, Mike Kiwic, Nicholas Klems, Nicholas J. Knapek, John Koch, Joseph Koepunis, Andy Kolokowski, Boleslaw Kolser, John Kolwicz, Michael J. Konarski, Jozeff Koncki, Waclaw Konopski, Franczysek Koprivnikar, Joseph A. Korobczyk, Stephen Koscinski, Adolph Kotavan, Mike Kowalski, Felix Kowatch, Andy Krajci, Andrew S. Kratzer, Henry W. Kratzer, John P. Krawiecki, Konstanty Kremer, Jacob Kremer, Peter J. Krewetsky, Tony Krupski, Sam Kuc, Jacob Kucinski, Stanislaw Kuhn, Brooks R. Kuhn, Cyril Denzin Kuhn, David W. Kuhn, Fred H. Kuhn, George E. Kuhnert, Louis V. Kukowski, Stanislaw Kukuski, William Kummer, Herman F. Kurzawa, Antoni Kurzawa, Boleslaw Kuszinki, Stanislaw Kutchenriter, Otto E. Kvuminski, Wladyslaw Kwiatkosky, John H. Lallie, William R. Lamborn, George H. Lammay, Edward J. Lampus, Robert H. Langiewicz, Alexander Langston, Ernest Lapczynski, Frank Lapensky, Frank Lapesa, Joseph Lardin, Carl W. Lardin, Harry H. Laskowski, Boleslaw Latimer, John L. Latimer, William H. Lauer, Raymond C. Laughlin, James Laughlin, Walter Laurent, Jules Laurin, Charles A. Laurin, Ernest J. Laux, Edward C. Laux, Herbert J. Lavery, James Leamon, Edward L. Ledoux, Homer Lefever, William H. Lehman, Gustave A. Lendenski, Louis Lendenski, Steven Lenzk, Karj Leslie, Raymond Lessig, Raymond Levenski, Kazmer Leydic, C. L. Leydic, Kenneth L. Lichok, John A. Lichok, Stephen J. Linden, Harold R. Linderman, Lewis A. Lindquist, Glenn H. Lipp, John G. Livengood, Lowell C. Ljachovich, Maxim Long, Henry Long, James C. Long, William B. Lookabaugh, Orwin Love, Frank M. Love, Preston A. Love, Russell M. Love, William A. Lovett, Watson Loynd, George D. Lubich, Alex A. Lucchessini, Alberto Ludwig, Edwin F. Luigi, Curzi Lukac, Joseph Mageean, John L. Mahaffey, Carl Mahaffey, Earl D. Mahaffey, James Mahaffie, James E. Majeski, Walter Malesky, Joseph W. Malick, Michael Marchits, Peter Marcinski, Stanislaw Markey, Glenn F. Markey, Robert C. Markovic, Francis X. Markovic, Paul Markwell, Frank J. Markwell, Paul E. Marra, Domenich Marshall, Raymond C. Marshall, Walter Martin, Charles A. Martinka, Adolph Martinka, Pius Marvin, George E. Marzilio, Praetti Mason, Alvin Emil Massalsky, Lonnie E. Matacik, Joseph Mattern, Mellvill H. Matthews, James M. Mattioli, Angelo Maxwell, Winfield H. McClain, Wilbert A. McClosky, Joseph McClosky, Louis McComb, Walter W. McComesky, John J. McCorkle, John M. McCormick, Jesse M. McCracken, Chambers McCullough, Francis X. McCutcheon, Earl T. McCutcheon, Eugene C. McCutcheon, Ralph G. McCutcheon, Walter Knable McDonough, Ralph Joy McElroy, Burnell McElroy, James McElwain, Charles E. McElwain, Howard F. McFall, Edward J. McFall, Homer D. McFarland, Charles H. McGaughey, Carl F. McGhee, Ross McGinley, James McGinley, Paul McGraw, Earl E. McIntosh, Kenneth McIntyre, John A. McIntyre, Leland Murl McKrell, Homer E. McKrell, Walter McLafferty, Hugh McLure, David O. McMahon, John H. McManus, Charles R. McMeans, William C. Means, Clyde Mechling, Neil H. Mechling, Robert A. Meciraniak, Jan Mehal, Andrew Mehal, John J. Meiers, Ralph R. Melicherik, Matus Mellon, Carl M. Melnickoff, John Menhart, Joseph Menigat, Franklin F. Merwin, Samuel A. Merwin, William Metz, H. Chester Metzger, Roy E. Metzler, Randolph M. Meyers, Benjamin R. Meyers, Stanley Michael, Henry J. Mieski, Frank Mikolash, John J. Mikulski, Roman M. Mikus, Andy Mikus, Stephen Milberger, Francis R. Milberger, Paul L. Mildollar, Harold A. Millen, Ignace Millen, John R. Millen, Stephen P. Miller, Albert Connie Miller, Arthur Pitcairn Miller, Barney Miller, Charles Miller, Ernest Florent Miller, Harry Raymond Miller, John Miller, John Malcolm Miller, Sefton Boyd Miller, Thomas Mills, Henry Millsap, Lee Milovich, Sam Minor, Edgar L. Miodussewski, Apolinary Misicuk, Simon Misson, Eugene Mistrik, Paul Mitchell, George C. Mitchell, George Sloan Mitchell, Luther Mocarski, Boleslaw Mohan, James J. Mohan, Sylvester J. Mohan, Thomas J. Mohney, John A. Mohr, Edward S. Monanti, Joseph Montgomery, Addison S. Montgomery, Edith Claire Montgomery, Merritt Moore, Christ Morris, Herman Morris, Moe Moyes, Thomas W. Mrozinski, Charles Mrozinski, Frank Mrozinski, Kasimier Mrozinski, Stanlislaw Mrozinski, Wicenty Mucha, Matias Mulhollen, Charles A. Mulkytin, Maryjan Murphy, Walter D. Myers, Dwight L. Myers, Fred R. Myers, Harry W. Myers, James E. Myers, John C. Myers, Joseph H. Myers, Preston T. Myers, Thomas W. Myers, William E. Myrzynski, Zigmond | Nameche, Gus J. Napierkowski, Andy Napierkowski, Boleslaw Nardelli, Felix Nauman, Frederick Nauman, Michael Nease, John W. Neese, Rayburn Nelson, Walter R. Newell, Samuel Newman, Henry B. Newman, John C. Nicholas, David M. Nicholas, George W. Niciporuk, Ignace Nickolaus, Albert J. Niezrionski, Stanislaw Nitowski, Anthony Noble, John R. Nock, Joaseph A. Noel, Lewis C. Nold, Martin Aloysius Nolf, Rowland Iseman Norris, Frank H. Norris, Fred Norris, John S. Novak, Louis Novelli, Constantino Nowacki, John Nowicki, Leon Nowocivsk, Antonie Oberleas, Chester Caster Obniski, Edward Obuchowski, Walter Olczak, Vincenty Frank Olsen, Otmar L. Olson, Gustav W. Olson, John O. O'Malley, Frank E. O'Malley, Thomas P. Opalka, Adam Opozinsky, Andy Orr, Clyde M. Orrill, Albert W. Orris, Charles S. Owens, Francis J. Painter, Claude P. Painter, Howard J. Painter, John H. Pajewski, Szcepan Palmer, Zakarias Paluch, Stephen Panfiles, Alexander Pannek, Ignatius J. Papik, George Parfitt, George E. Parks, Lloyd W. Parsons, William H. Patterson, Robert A. Patterson, Samuel J. Patz, William E. Paulin, Gerald W. Paustenbach, Henry Paustenbach, Philip Pawtowski, John Peebles, Raymond O. Peebles, Russell Peganelli, Rodger Pegg, William J. Penman, Joseph Perotti, Vincenzo Perr, Jacob Peters, R. G. Benard Petrykowski, John Pfeifer, Herbert Pierce, Alva W. Pilston, George, Jr. Pilston, Robert Pilston, William Parr Pioiett, Giuseppe Piszkowski, Stanislaw Pitlock, John Plants, Harry E. Polome, Arthur O. Ponce, Arthur G. Pond, Ernest L. Porlo, Frank Porter, Charles Seber Porter, Clarence A. Porter, Robert J. Porter, William J. Powell, C. Isaac Powell, Clyde A. Pozorski, William Preratta, Max Pressler, William G. Przbeski, Tiofili Przystuk, Wladyslaw Ptasick, John Pulcini, John Puleo, Joe Pye, Walter Pyszcewski, Walter Quaglietti, Brandino Quintilliani, Dominick Rabinovitz, Max Raimondi, James Ramey, Bryand Rampulla, Mike Ray, James P. Reagan, Edward J. Rearick, John A. Reasner, Clair D. Reed, Harry J. Reedy, Howard Quinter Reese, George Reese, Thomas Reid, John T. Reinehr, Francis C. Reinehr, Frederick E. Reinehr, Joseph H. Reinehr, Paul C. Reiss, George A. Reiter, George E. Reith, Herbert W. Remaley, Charles W. Remaley, Edward Remaley, Samuel G. Renner, Charles G. Richards, Benjamin F. Richardson, Nicholas K. Riddle, Charles W. Riddle, Floyd Riddle, Stephen B. Rifley, Harry U. Riggle, Floyd M. Rigspouler, George Rischia, Augusto Robbins, Clifford S. Robinson, Glenn E. Robinson, Howard E. Robinson, James A. Robinson, John M. Rodgers, Clifford Rodos, George Rogacki, Alexander Rohm, Charles E. Roland, Jules Roll, David C. Roll, Joseph W. Roll, Leo A. Rolls, John C. Roman, Adam Romeko, Alex Romito, Andrew Rosengarth, William Ross, Charles Hookey Ross, Floyd E. Ross, Freeman T. Ross, William L. Rumbaugh, Arthur M. Rupert, Charles L. Rupert, Edson Rutherford, George L. Ryan, George Ryan, Patrick Francis Ryan, Patrick Joseph Ryan, William Joseph Sackett, Forrie C. Sackett, Leroy Sackett, William E. Sakoski, Joseph Salsgiver, William W. Samara, Frank Samara, James Samara, Peter Samick, John Sarver, Howard E. Savage, Eugene M. Savage, George H. Sawicki, Stanislaw Schaeffer, Robert Schaeffer, William S. Scheeren, Fred Schelm, Harry L. Schickline, William Schlenke, Charles J. Scholl, Harry A. Scholl, John D. Scholnick, Ethan Allen Scholz, August J. Schreck, Stewart C. Schreckengost, Charles L. Schrecker, Robert F. Schroeder, Charles H. Schroeder, Theodore Schubert, Julius J. Schubert, Otto A. Schuler, Frank R. Schuler, Fred E. Schultz, Frederick Schwartz, John J. Schweitzer, August J. Schwer, Walter Seagriff, Thomas Sedlacek, John Seft, Gottlieb Seft, Rudolph Semenuk, John Serafinas, John Sharp, Homer Stotler Sharp, James S. Shaul, Hillis J. Shaul, Raymond N. Shaw, Andrew Shearer, Paul E. Shearer, William C. Shelhorse, Richard Sherrieb, Frank Shiffman, Benjamin Shook, Arthur S. Shook, William W. Shoupe, Richard A. Shriver, George D. Shultz, Edward J. Siegfried, Henry G. Siekels, Andrew Sill, William Garlick Simko, John M. Simonwitch, Emelion Singleton, George F. Singleton, George R. Sinke, Joseph Skiles, Joseph Skillen, Benjamin F. Skillen, George K. Skillen, Paul E. Skillen, Robert M. Skowronski, Boleslaw J. Slaughter, Homer E. Sleeth, Robert S. Sleppy, Frank C. Sleppy, John M. Sleppy, Louis E. Slomkowski, Joseph J. Slumkowski, Joseph F. Slumkowski, Thomas Smarick, Joseph Smith, Albert G. Smith, Charles Smith, Earl C. B. Smith, Earnest Painter Smith, Evermond Vivian Smith, George Ignatius Smith, Harry Ambrose Smith, Homer B. Smith, Homer Clyde Smith, Jacob Bernard Smith, James Edwin Smith, John Urban Smith, Joseph Edward Smith, Joseph John Smith, Judson Smith, Russell Edwin Smith, William George Smyers, Ralph W. Sobecki, Bronislaw Sosinski, Alexander F. Souey, Lucien Soviar, Maty Sparks, Samuel M. Spencer, Ralph H. Spiker, Carlton Spix, Edmond H. Sprumont, Fred J. Stadelmaier, George J. Stahley, Fred G. Stahley, Walter H. Stamm, Henry S. Stanczewski, Czeslaw Stanich, William Stanier, John S. Stanier, William J. Starke, Ernest F. Steele, James C. Stefanski, Waclaw Steffen, Lawrence Steffen, William M. Steinhagen, Albert F. Steinhagen, Carl H. Stens, William Stepanick, Hawrail Stepp, Roy W. Steps, Dominick Stetson, Philip Stetson, Sidney Stevens, George Stewart, Paul Stitt, Merle Stobert, Jesse Stobert, Robert M. Stockdill, Thomas M. Stoffel, John Joe Stone, Albert Storecka, Stanislaw Strah, Andy Straub, John G. Strelec, Frank Strobel, Conrad W. Strobel, Mary K. Stryjewski, Ladislaw Stuart, George D. Stull, Rose Leonza Stump, Howard M. Sugy, Willie Sumiuski, Stanislaw Suniscko, Hipol Surik, Joseph Sutton, Clarence J. Sutton, Herbert L. Sutton, Lawrence M. Sutton, Merle J. Swartzwelder, Cecil C. Sweeney, Thomas J. Sweeny, John P. Sweet, Harry Swerling, Lewis Swivinski, Joseph Symons, Joseph Syput, Joseph J. Syput, Waclaw Szafranski, Mike Szerszeniewski, Wiktor Szewczykowski, Stanislaw Szulbowski, Luie Szymkiewicz, Konstanty Szynanski, Stanislaw Szynkowski, John Tadrzeniski, Alexander Talley, William Taylor, William Teleshuk, Simon Therasse, George A. Thiele, William A. Thiry, Frank Thom, George Thom, Ralph L. Thompson, George M. Thompson, Robert J. Todorivich, Belo Toepfer, Robert W. Tonk, Otto Emil Tonk, Paul H. Torchen, Joseph A. Torgent, John P. Torpkovitch, Vedok Torulli, Clemento Toudy, Alfred J. Toussaint, Eugene Traenkner, William F. Travis, Leon Trees, Thomas B. Trettle, Frank S., Jr. Trettle, Joseph Trocki, Fred Troutman, Edward Troutman, Floyd Truver, George Truver, Lawrence W. Turco, Carmine Turin, Frank Turner, John E. S. Tuscinsky, Thomas Tweed, George H. Ugoda, Stanley Uhlinger, George A. Umbaugh, Daniel F. Urbanack, Charles Valasek, Joseph Vanthiel, Walter C. Vantine, William Vogel Venables, John W. Vnuk, Paul Vogtik, John Voigt, George Vought, Harvey Vought, Jacob B. Wachter, Harry Wade, Horace Wagner, William S. Walacek, Stephen Walker, Clarence Brice Walker, Jacob S. Walker, John M. Wallace, Walter Walsh, William C. Waltenbaugh, Howard C. Walter, Charles P. Walter, Fenton N. Walter, Joseph F. Walter, Leslie H. Walters, Adolph G. Walters, Coston P. Walters, George G. Walters, John F. Ward, John Warner, Raymond F. Washolski, Ignatz Watson, Clarence L. Watson, Cora Watson, Mabel Pearl Watson, Percy J. Watson, Ralph Watson, Wilbur Watt, George E. Weaver, Abe Kipp Weaver, Harold Webber, George A. Wegner, Charles E. Wehn, Roscoe Conklin Weinfurther, John A. Weinfurther, Joseph G. Welsh, Arthur V. Wentzel, Clare Westerman, A. Lockard Westerman, Albert V. Whitehead, Louis F. Whitehouse, Edgar L. Whitesides, Thomas E. Wida, Andrew Wiehagan, Frank E. Wiehagan, Louis R. Wieteski, Jan Wilcox, Paul D. Wilhelm, George Dewey Williams, Alonza Williams, Paul S. Williams, Robert T. Williamson, David P. Wilson, Arthur R. Wilson, George Wilson, Lloyd E. Wilson, Walter R. Wisnieski, John Witoslawski, Emil Wittier, Ross A. Woigner, Rudolph Wolfe, Charles R. Wolfe, Edward D. Wolfe, John Wolfe, Robert Herline Wolferd, Homer F. Wood, Chester C. Worch, Charles H. Yanuzzi, Frank Yenney, Mathew F. Ygnaczak, Tedore Younkin, Frank E. Yount, Anthony H. Youra, Andrew J. Yute, George J. Zakczewski, Alexander Zavacky, Joseph Briestenski Zekovich, Matya Zeolla, Pietro Ziemkiewicz, Julius Zimmerman, Roy Zito, Patsy Zokrzewski, Frank Zrochalski, Jan Zwald, Frederick A. Zylinski, Ludwik |
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