
Pittsburgh and Allegheny County

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

FYI: Search Westmoreland County Naturalizations

Search Westmoreland County Naturalizations 1906-1981

Go to: http://www.co.westmoreland.pa.us/index.aspx?NID=946

Then to:

Once you accept, it will re-direct you to a pop up to search.

You have to set your browser so that you accept pop-ups for this to work!

Then type in the surname you wish to search.

Which then brings up the results for Mick Zinos.

His name is Nick Xinos, and I click on the document to view.

Nicholas Xinos - Declaration of Intent

With this information, I determine he departed from Patras, Greece and arrived on 18 May 1907 in New York  aboard the Napolitan Prince.

Allegheny Ancestry and Genealogy Trails


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