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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Jefferson Memorial Park and find a grave. What do you think is wrong?

Jefferson Memorial Park and find a grave.
Then tell me what you think is wrong?

Click an follow this link:

There are numerous, and excellent Allegheny County find a grave users who go to cemeteries, They take the time to search for the burial plot, take excellent photos. They take the time to fill in and submit names and dates from the headstone. They upload photos of headstones. Some find a gravers, many of whom I know go out far and beyond the call of being a volunteer. Many thanks to all of them.

The above is an example of having to make a photo request, wait for someone to claim it, then upload it, then you have to determine if the person may or may not be who you are looking for.

Just go to Jefferson Memorial Park:

Type in any surname. See how many people are buried there with that particular surname. How many have unknown dates of birth, and unknown dates of death information. Then, there are no photos of headstones. Except for those that have being made by someone fulfilling a photo request.

Is this normal procedure for find a gravers with mass numbers of memorials created? In excess of 100,000 memorials or more?

As you can clearly see, this serves no purpose for me or any researcher. How can you tell if your ancestor is one of those buried at Jefferson Memorial Park unless you have the death certificate or obituary indicating place of burial.

This then falls on the burden of other volunteers such as that of the find a grave photo volunteer, the find a grave user who submits SAC's to correct the UNKNOWN information to known information.


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