This will be a step by step instruction on how to add and create a simple citation on your family tree on
This is a continuation for advanced details of a source citation and creating a repository for FamilySearch on your tree on
Now, going back to looking the inside of the profile of Andrew Byerly.
I now want to click on Facts and Sources.
Which brings me to Source Citations. The "Pennsylvania, Births and Christenings, 1709-1950," is now associated with his name, gender, and birth.
Going back to the profile of Andrew Byerly.
I now want to click Birth.
Which brings me to Birth Source Citations.
Now I want to click on "Pennsylvania, Births and Christenings, 1709-1950,".
Now I want to click Edit citation.
Which brings me to Edit Source Citation for Andrew Byerly.
I want to click on edit this source.
I am now at Edit: Source Citation for Andrew Byerly. I can now Edit Source: "Pennsylvania, Births and Christenings, 1709-1950,".
Now going back and forth between the record on familysearch and my tree on I can now copy and paste the additional information. It is more of personal preference.
How much detail and documentation you want on your tree. I personally share my tree with various relatives from all branches of my lineages that I have researched. I have seen no documentation, or I may encounter comments such as found on FamilySearch, etc.
One tree, and I will digress because it was done by a very elderly woman. She has her sources labeled as "I have a copy". Sorry, but in my book; it does no good if you have the information, and a copy of the document. But don't share it.
What is an REFN? REFN = (User Reference Number)
Then I have filled in to the best of my ability the info from familysearch that I wanted to add on my tree. I go back and forth between the record on familysearch to the Edit Source on my tree on I copy and paste the info into the form.
Now I can stop here, and click the save source button. Or I can continue.
For instructional purposes I will create a repository for FamilySearch.
So I now want to Select a repository or create a repository.
Next, I fill in the details for the FamilySearch.
I click on the button Save Repository.
Now I have a created to the best of my ability a source citation, and repository for citing a record from FamilySearch on my tree on Now that I have created the repository for FamilySearch. I can always use the drop down menu to add FamilySearch as the repository for my source citations.
Now just a few more clicks. I click on the Save Source Button.
I then click on the Save Source Citation.
And finally, I have a really good source citation from familysearch on my tree on
Now, I did say there were two ways to get where I wanted to be to edit the source citation. I can also click on the Facts and Sources button.
Going back to Source Citations. The "Pennsylvania, Births and Christenings, 1709-1950," is now associated with his name, gender, and birth.
I can hover over the Name, Gender, or Birth and View event.
Or I can click
Which takes me back to
Now, I would add a copy of the document to the record for Andrew Byerly. But as you can see, there is no image on for this record. So where is it? I will discuss that in another upcoming article.
Read more in my continued article: The missing image on and the Pennsylvania, Births and Christenings, 1709-1950.
Until next time.
Yours as always,
Allegheny Ancestry & Genealogy Trails
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